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  • Writer's pictureAllison Nechelle

Goals, Goals, and More Goals. How to Move Forward in Life Series Post 1 (Introduction).

Moving in life at times can be easy but in most realities moving around in life is hard. Time and time again people hit a hole, speed bump, or detour. How do we continue? How do we, as people along with, our feelings, people who we can't control, our day to day responsibilities, move forward when we hit a speed bump? One word. Goal. Yep. A goal, specifically, making a S.M.A.R.T. goal can help move a person forward when life hits them.

Of, course, let's be real and honest, if the speed bump does damage, the first thing to accomplish is to take care of that damage; whether it is time off, counseling, or putting a temporary pause on life. Once that damage has been healed or on the mend, starting your navigation back on the track of life begins with a goal. This simple four letter word that can bring self-esteem, advancement, and progress. How can making a goal move a person forward? Having a goal can bring focus, give you a specific task, and provide direction. Moving forward at times can be hard. Having something that a person can focus on, can help them start moving forward over the speed bump. Moving forward in life starts with a purpose. To see that purpose, one needs a goal. Not just any goal, one that is specific to the reality of the current life situation. It could be simple as paying down a credit card to help raise credit score for the new car in a year. Or wanting to start one's own business to become self-employed. Each goal above can help help a person move forward in life when life hits them and help them find direction since they became lost.

Making a goal can be simple or complicated depending on your current reality. To help lessen the complications, using the S.M.A.R.T goal method will help tremendously. What is a S.M.A.R.T. goal? S.M.A.R.T goals was created in 1981 when George T. Doran wrote a paper in an issue of Management Review called, "There's a SMART way to write management's goals and objectives." S.M.A.R.T stands for: Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic/Relevant Timely/Time Specific ( ). Using this method can help a person focus on what the need to work on in in their present moment, able to work on in their present moment, and propel them forward towards their future.

Goals or S.M.A.R.T goals can help a person find their meaning and purpose in life. When a person is stuck or do not know if they should move left, right, forward, or make a u-turn, a S.M.A.R.T goal or goals can help with direction. Goals or S.M.A.R.T goals are a map or GPS; it can help guide a person on their pathway to move forward. Making a goal that is specific to a person and base on that person's reality can help shed light on how they are currently living at that moment. It can shed light on what change they need to make if life is not going the way they would like. Being measurable, a person can measure their progress and gain self-esteem which affects a person's meaning in life. More on meaning and purpose in future post,

Moving forward in life is a challenge we all face. Not knowing what to do next can be stressful or scary. With the first step of putting a goal down on paper, a person can begin to move over the obstacle that temporarily stop them from moving forward.

Next in the series: how to make a S.M.A.R.T goal

Thank you for reading this post. See you in the next post.

~Allison Nechelle~

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